(English) Christ makes the logical things of this world illogical, and the crazy things are what His kingdom is all about. Earthly kings come with pomp, majesty and power; violence, conquest and death to enemies. The heavenly King came with humbleness, meekness and helplessness; freedom, peace and love to enemies.
Desapontamento Sagrado?
Adventistas do Sétimo Dia geralmente falam 22 de outubro de 1844 como o grande desapontamento. Ela surgiu a partir de algumas conclusões teológicas errôneas de um grupo de pessoas que não foram os fundadores da denominação, mas que deram extrema importância para a data. A maioria dos teólogos e membros ativos da igreja não dão […]
The Record Keeper
UPDATE: I added a few more comments to bring the series into context a little bit more. They are marked with two asterisks. Most of you reading this will know of The Record Keeper. For those who don’t, the Record Keeper is an award-winning steam-punk-style 11-episode web series. It was sponsored and paid for by […]
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