Here‘s a beautiful message about the Gospel presented by Brian Zahnd, prolific author and pastor of Word of Life Church. This sermon is one on the series, “The Crucified God”, an amazing series that started during Lent 2014 and will end on Easter Sunday. He holds to an understanding of the gospel that is different […]
Simply Jesus, by N.T. Wright
…The part I most thoroughly enjoyed however is the establishment of Chrit’s rule on earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The idea that Christ reignss now through his church is very powerful and something every Christian should understand…
O que fizemos com nosso mundo?
Uma sátira engraçada sobre o que aconteceu quando o homem entrou no mundo. Como filhos de Deus, devemos respeitar sua criação e isso vai muito além do que você pensa. Please follow and like us:
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